A year of rights selling - Nosy Crow Skip to content
Posted by Ola, June 28, 2013

A year of rights selling

American, Danish, Swedish, French, Italian, Brazilian, Korean, German and UK copies of Open Very Carefully (the Dutch copy is, sadly, missing)

Today we received two great big boxes full of foreign editions of Open Very Carefully, illustrated by Nicola O’Byrne with words by Nick Bromley. Whenever a shipment like this arrives, the couriers say something about how unreasonable it is to have our offices up two narrow flights of stairs…

We always love getting these parcels – for me, it’s one of the great things about selling foreign rights. You get to see how the book starts with an idea, develops under the careful eye of the editors and designers, then you proof it and take it to book fairs to, hopefully, sell it to lots of countries… and, finally, after a few months, you receive shiny new foreign copies that are similar but not identical to our edition.

I have a soft spot for Open Very Carefully, as it was the first book I ever sold. It was shortly after starting work at Nosy Crow, nearly a year ago, and we’ve now sold rights in nine languages altogether, so for me these copies mark a year of very hard, VERY enjoyable work – full of crocodiles, princesses and bunnies.

Open Very Carefully is out now in hardback. You can take a look inside the book below, and order it online here.

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